COVID-19 Precautions and Updates

    Our publishing company utilizes Ingram Content Group for printing and distribution.  In addition to the precautionary measures taken by Ingram, we have established increased precautions on our end as well, as the health and well being of our customers is of highest priority.  Below you will find information regarding measures taken by Ingram Content Group and Khemrah Publishing, LLC.  


    Ingram’s dedication to protecting the health and well-being of our associates, our customers, and our vendors continues.

    As we navigate through this unprecedented time, we are consistently implementing additional precautionary measures based on guidance from the CDC and other health authorities. Here are the most recent measures we are taking.

    • Ingram Content Group is encouraging their employees who can effectively work from home to do so. This is not only protective of those who work from home, but also of those people who need to be at company facilities to do their jobs. We are providing resources to help employees modify how they work and ensuring they have the tools and technology to collaborate with each other and our customers.
    • We are encouraging people who do not feel well or have any symptoms consistent with COVID-19 not to come to work.
    • We are encouraging employees who are considered at higher risk for serious COVID-19 illness not to come to work.
    • We are implementing temperature screenings at every U.S. manufacturing and distribution location.
    • Across all our global facilities, we have ramped up daily cleaning routines of all facilities and equipment and have instructed our associates on recommended hygiene practices such as more frequent handwashing and use of sanitizer.
    • We have placed sanitizing wipe stations at all working entrances. We have also added hand sanitizer stations at key points throughout our facilities.
    • We have a staging process to pass mail and other supplies between facilities and the “outside world” that does not require distribution center and office associates to physically interact.
    • Where we can, we stagger lunch and break times to reduce the number of people in our break rooms and the cafeteria.
    • We are asking our associates to refrain from travel unless critical and have established quarantine procedures after travel to high-risk areas.
    • Ingram Content Group is evaluating a phased Return-From-Home transition.

    Be assured that we are monitoring the situation closely and will continue to add to our growing list of precautionary measures as advised by the CDC and other health authorities.



    Khemrah Publishing, LLC will work diligently to adhere to the latest guidelines and follow the best practices as established by the CDC.  Here are the most recent measures that we are taking:

    • Khemrah will disinfect each package that is delivered to us from Ingram Spark prior to opening
    • Our associates will be directed to wear masks and gloves when removing inventory from packaging for fulfillment.
    • All books that are autographed by the author will be done so while wearing mask and gloves
    • All packaging will be disinfected before delivery

    Please note the latest CDC guideline regarding the spread of the virus on surfaces:

    “It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes. This is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads, but we are still learning more about how this virus spreads.