4 tips to help prevent summer learning loss


    https://patricemclaurin.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/summerslideblog.png 600 180 pmclaurin pmclaurin https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/177bdc7d78022f82ae3f61bbc3e8aba3?s=96&d=mm&r=g

    We know that summer break is probably one of the best times of year for a kid. It’s chocked full of late sleep ins and long days of play. Sometimes, a family vacation is even thrown into the mix! Let’s face it, summer for children is usually full of fun, fun and even more fun! Ahh, to be a kid again, right?

    But we’re not kids, we’re adults. As adults, we know that there is balance in every experience. Usually, what brings balance to a kid’s summer fun is their summer learning loss. Some of us may know this as the summer slide. Unfortunately, it’s not as fun as it sounds.

    We can define summer slide as a significant loss in reading and math proficiency over the summer break. Experts warn that this loss can hinder a child’s progress when they return to school. In fact, recent studies show that children in 3rd to 5th grades lose, on average, about 20 percent of their school-year gains in reading and 27 percent of their school-year gains in math during summer months.

    Studies also show that children from low-income families are disproportionately affected by the summer slide, in ways that can affect them years into their education. For example, these studies cite that more than half of the gap in reading scores between low-income 9th graders and their middle-income peers can be attributed to the summer slide they may have experienced between first and fifth grade.

    Not to mention the impact that summer slide has on our teachers. A survey from Expanding Learning said that 66% of teachers report that they’re typically spending between 3-4 weeks reteaching the previous year’s skills at the beginning of the school year! Geesh, that’s a lot of time!

    Therefore, I am sharing a few simple tips that can help aid in summer learning and help to prevent learning loss.

    Tip 1: Encourage Summer Reading

    Studies show that only 2-3 hours of reading per week can help prevent summer learning loss.  Join a summer reading program! Keep a small home library with books that your kiddos enjoy! And be sure to discuss with them the books that they’ve read!

    Tip 2: Incorporate Coloring and Activity Books

    Coloring and activity books are sure to make summer learning fun as they allow children to practice the essential skills they’ve learned in the classroom through play!

    Tip 3: Try Already Prepared Lesson Plans

    Prepared lesson plans are an easy way to ensure that students maintain fundamental skills learned in English, Math and Science over the summer months! There are free resources available on my website. Another great resource to try is Teachers Pay Teachers.

    Tip 4: Purchase the Summer Learning Bundle for only $30!

    This loaded resource includes:

    I hope you find these tips helpful! Collectively, we can ensure that our children have a promising school year and a great summer!



    All stories by: pmclaurin