4 Ways You Can Celebrate Kid Inventors’ Day

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    Kid Inventors’ Day is a holiday that celebrates the creativity, innovation, and problem-solving skills of young inventors. It is observed annually on January 17th in honor of Benjamin Franklin’s birthday, who was a renowned inventor and one of the Founding Fathers of the United States.

    Kid Inventors’ Day is a great opportunity to encourage and support the creativity and problem-solving skills of young children. Here are a few ways you can celebrate Kid Inventors’ Day with your scholars:

    1. Share stories of famous kid inventors: There have been many kid inventors throughout history, including George Nissen, Philo Farnsworth, and Robert Patch. Share stories of these inventors with children to inspire them and show them the possibilities of what they can achieve.
    2. Encourage creativity and problem-solving: Encourage children to think creatively and to come up with solutions to problems they encounter in their everyday lives. This can help to foster a growth mindset and encourage a love of learning and innovation.
    3. Have a “kid inventor fair”: Host a “kid inventor fair” where children can showcase their inventions and share their creative ideas with others. This can be a fun and interactive way to celebrate Kid Inventors’ Day and to support the creativity and problem-solving skills of young children.
    4. Read books about kid inventors: There are many children’s books that feature kid inventors as the main characters to include the book Have You Thanked a Kidventor Today. Reading this book can be a fun and engaging way to celebrate Kid Inventors’ Day and to inspire children to think creatively and solve problems.

    Overall, Kid Inventors’ Day is a great opportunity to spark curiosity and innovation in children. If you’re looking for a fun and FREE way to do that, take advantage of the FREE LESSON PLAN I developed!



    All stories by: pmclaurin