“FALSE MEDIA, WE DON’T NEED IT DO WE?” – How Commercialized Hip Hop Impacts the African-American Child
https://mltga54azssz.i.optimole.com/cb:zck1~2c08f/w:1024/h:574/q:mauto/f:best/ig:avif/https://patricemclaurin.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/hiphop6.png 1024 574 pmclaurin pmclaurin https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/177bdc7d78022f82ae3f61bbc3e8aba3?s=96&d=mm&r=gOkay, let me begin at the beginning. I am a bona fide fan of hip hop. I’ve been enamored with it since its humble beginnings. In fact, it is my…
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