Have You Thanked an Inventor Today?


    Have You Thanked an Inventor Today? is a unique journey into the often forgotten contributions of the African-American inventors that have greatly enriched America’s landscape. It chronicles the day of a little boy, demonstrating with each page, how the genius of African American minds is utilized on a daily basis.

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    Have You Thanked an Inventor Today? is a unique journey into the often forgotten contributions of the African-American inventors that have greatly enriched America’s landscape.It chronicles the day of a little boy, demonstrating with each page, how the genius of African American minds is utilized on a daily basis. The goal of the book is to inspire our youth to tap into their own innate genius, by realizing that, on the strength of our ancestors alone, we are capable. An element of poetry is also included in the book to make the information easier to read and retain.

    Have You Thanked an Inventor Today? was written to appeal to African-American youth, with a particular emphasis placed on African-American boys. I wanted the main character to be a boy, as part of my own personal effort to help shift the propaganda war that is being waged against them. Unfortunately, we’re all familiar with the fact that, when our boys and young men see themselves in any type of media, the imagery is usually disparaging. Furthermore, as the mother of a little black boy, I found that when purchasing heavily illustrated black children’s books, the main characters were primarily those of little girls. As such, it was imperative to me, that the representation of a little black man child was prevalent throughout the book.

    Have You Thanked an Inventor Today? comes complete with biographies about each inventor, as well as activity sheets. After reading the book, we want our young readers to be further stimulated by tapping into their own creative thought and innovation. We also want to make the idea of becoming an inventor fun! So read the book, have some fun and don’t forget to thank an inventor once you’re done!


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